Summary: This article explains how Add-on items need to be prepared and the technical requirements expected for this item type.
Technical Requirements for Photoshop
Technical Requirements for Adobe Illustrator
File Preparation
Follow the below file preparation guidelines:
- Use a concise name for your file, this will assist customers once they have downloaded the item.
- Organise the contents of the file so that it is easy to use and make sure that your help file is easy to locate.
Name your groups and layers in English. The following screenshot shows a well-organized action set, you can see how each action is clearly labelled:
Following is an example of organized file:
- Make sure to fill out the Works With section, including
- The colorspace of your document (at the minimum, an RGB file should be included)
- The version of Adobe programs the item is designed to work with.
- Files should be fully compatible with English language Adobe Software versions.
- Always favour non-destructive techniques such as Smart Objects and Layer Styles.
Documentation Requirements
As part of the documentation guidelines, ensure that you include:
- All your files are included.
- An installation walkthrough.
- Required general instructions notes.
- Input options and modifiers.
- Details of fonts used.
- Common issues/bugs that might arise for the customer and how to resolve them (particularly with actions).
Technical Requirements for Photoshop Add-ons
- Required File Format: .ATN
Optional File: .PSD - You must include assets referenced in your action, such as any PAT, ASL or ABR files.
Actions should not produce errors. - In your documentation, you should guide the customer through any typical customization and modifier input panes.
- Note that actions produced in non-English Adobe software programs may be incompatible with native English installations. The marketplace requires full support for English systems.
- Required File Format: .ABR
A high-resolution mask, 2500 pixels square.
Text Styles
- Required File Format: .ASL
- Optional PSD - Complex and detailed styles can require multiple layers, in this case, the inclusion of a PSD file may be necessary.
- Be sure to include information in your help file that explains how to transfer complex Multi-Layer Styles to other Photoshop documents.
- Layer Styles may make use of smart objects, but make sure that a Layer Style is easy to move to another file and retains as much flexibility as possible.
- Any Patterns used within the styles must be included as a PAT file
- Patterns require seamless repetition.
Photoshop Shapes
- Required File Format: .CSH
- Shapes cannot be clipped or have distorted perspective.
- Curves and paths must be smooth and uniform unless it’s appropriate to the design to have a stylised edge (for example, grunge or low poly shapes).
Rough, non-uniform curves and jagged edges.
Photoshop Patterns
- Required File Format: .PAT
- Patterns must be seamless and tileable
- Patterns must repeat seamlessly in both the X and Y axis
An error in this repeating pattern.
Technical Requirements for Adobe Illustrator
- Required File Format: .AIA
- Your action must work exactly as is demonstrated in the preview image
- You must upload detailed instructions on how to install, use and customize your action file, including any input panes and variables.
- Note that actions produced with non-English versions of Adobe software may be incompatible with native English versions. GraphicRiver requires full support for English language systems.
Graphic Styles
- Required File Format: .AI
- Files must be 100% vector.
- You cannot include raster elements in your file.
- Before you upload a brush set to GraphicRiver, test how it works around tight oblique corners and overlapping paths. Some designs may not work well, in this case, and your file may not be approved.