How can I get my item featured?
Featured items are chosen by the marketing team, and they're pretty protective in regards to keeping the decision making independent. When they choose to feature an item, they're looking at a whole bunch of different factors.
Quality is obviously one factor, but then they look at things like the quality of item support, the author's history on the marketplace, have they had an item featured before and more.
Then there are things that are outside the author's control. That includes things like item trends in the plugin market across the web, the direction they want to steer the market and so on.
How can you maximise your chance of being selected?Simply keep creating more and more awesome items. Present and articulate those items well so it's clear how they work. If you can make something really special, and everyone can see why it's special, then you're maximising your chances for success on the platform, regardless of whether or not the item is featured or not.
We would also advise keeping a weekly eye on this marketing thread on the Envato Forums as this is where our marketing will also look to recruit authors for one-off/adhoc campaigns throughout the year where they ask authors to opt-in.
How can I partner with another author so they can sell a new version of my item?
You can partner with another author to create items for sale, but please keep the following important point in mind.
Envato enters into a legal agreement with the person that creates the account. For example, if the name John Doe is signed up, then John Doe is the sole individual Envato has an agreement with, and this is the person who owns any earned funds in the account as far as Envato is concerned. Only one person's name can be used and we will only issue payment out to the account holder and their nominated payment details.
You can register a partnership via our Author Help Centre support form where you will be given a reference number that your partner needs to provide in notes to the reviewer when they submit their version.
How do I add images to my item description?
The item description tab works via HTML code. You can use many free html editors to translate your content into formattable code and then paste this into the item description tab.
You will need to self-host your images and you can find recommended solutions for this via the author community on the Envato Forums.
How do I change my item category?
If you need to change or update your item category post publishing, please reach out to the Author Support Team who can assist you with this.
How do I update my items?
Keeping your item up to date is an important task and having an up to date item can also increase sales. To update an item you can visit the edit tab on your item and under Update Item & Tags tab can upload your file and resubmit this. It’s important to make clear what the update does e.g. bug fix, compatibility with a new platform release, feature add etc in the notes to the reviewer section.
Once approved, this will then be available to customers.
Why has my item disappeared?
You can opt in to receive email notifications about your item review outcome within your Email Settings page. If you haven’t received an email and the item is no longer visible in your author dashboard, please reach out to the Author Support Team who can advise.
How do I use the Photo Manager?
To access the Photo Manager, you’ll need to log into your Envato Market account and click on PhotoDune. This is also where you need to go to access your photo items for sale on Elements.
The Photo Manager provides you with tools to manage your portfolio. Once you have uploaded your photos, you need to click on the Start managing now button to manage your items. Review Using Your Photo Manager and its key features for more information.
How do I remove my items from sale?
If you want to permanently remove an item you can go into your item under the edit section and delete the item. Note - deleted items cannot be resubmitted.
If you want to temporarily remove an item from sale whilst you make an update, you can reach out to our Author Help Team and they can place the item into a soft-rejected state. You can then go in and update and resubmit this as soon as you are ready.
How do I opt-in to the extended license?
You can read more on what this is here: Opting in to the Extended License. Opting in to the Extended License for your items is easy. All you need to do is:
- When logged in, click My Profile at the top of the page.
- Click on the Edit tab.
- Click on Item Licenses.
- Click the tickbox next to Extended License.
- Click Save.
You'll be opted in immediately.