Summary: By posting listings, profiles and item comments on Envato Market, you agree to abide by these guidelines and other Envato Market policies including the Envato Market Terms, Author Terms, Community Rules, and Privacy Policy.
If we discover a listing, profile or item comment that violates these guidelines or policies, we may directly remove it or contact you to give you an opportunity to correct the situation. In the event of repeated or severe violations, we may disable your item(s) or suspend or terminate your account.
You can contact us or flag comments to report a listing, profile or item comment that violates our guidelines or policies.
Listings and Profiles
We ask that authors create item descriptions, item previews, item documentation and profile page content that are accurate, clear, and helpful to potential buyers. We do not allow listings and profiles containing:
- False, inaccurate, misleading, fraudulent or unlawful information or information that contradicts Envato terms and policies.
- Profane, obscene, defamatory, threatening or discriminatory content.
- Content that is hateful or offensive based on race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, gender or sexual orientation.
- Political, religious, or social commentary unrelated to the actual item, author's brand or fundraising efforts run in line with our charity guidelines.
- Content that violates another person's or entity's privacy rights (examples include publishing another person’s full name, address or other identifying information without permission). For more information, refer to the Privacy Policy.
Advertising or other commercial content including links to any external, competing site or service (refer to link guidelines for more details) or additional purchase incentives beyond item functionality or included support (refer to Item Promotion Guidelines for more details).
Please note: Try to keep your item preview image file names simple (eg. ‘Preview1’).
Item Comments
Item comments are used to ask questions or give feedback about an item. We do not allow:
- Comments that are not directly related to the actual item (examples include political or religious commentary, a review of Envato, etc.).
- Comments about item support for items that are not supported.
- Comments that are abusive, profane, obscene, defamatory, threatening or discriminatory.
- Comments that are hateful or offensive based on race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, gender or sexual orientation.
- Comments that violate another person or entity's privacy rights. Including confidential information such as names, email addresses, domains or purchase codes is not allowed. For more information, refer to the Privacy Policy.
- Comments that aim to force a user to do something they aren’t obligated to do.
- Comments for items that you have not viewed or purchased directly from Envato Market.
Ratings can be left as a reflection of a buyer's experience of the item they've purchased. Ratings you leave on items should be respectful, helpful and constructive. Your rating may be removed if it's found to violate our Rating or Review Removal Policy.
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