Can I offer my items for free on a promotional basis?
Authors cannot offer their items for free on Envato Market, nor promote free items anywhere on the Envato Market sites. Additionally, if an author is exclusive, they cannot offer items that are for sale on Envato Market for free on another site without voiding their exclusivity agreement with Envato Market.
However, exclusive authors can create and give away, for free, unique items on their personal blog or website which are not for sale on Envato Market.
Can external blogs or businesses purchase my item and then give it away as a gift/prize?
Yes! We allow you and external blogs/businesses to help promote your item(s) in this way but only when the item is purchased by the third party, i.e., you cannot give the item away for free for the promotion, the third party must purchase a license to use it.
The external blog/website(s) must only give away the number of items/licenses they have bought. So, for example, if a blog wanted to give away three “copies” of your item, it would need to purchase three copies/licenses of the item.
Any partner(s) you are working with should always make it clear that the item is from Envato Market, and reference where someone can buy the original item on Envato Market. By giving away the item, the partner is in effect transferring the purchased license to the recipient of the giveaway. The partner should direct the recipient to the license terms for that item, pass on the license certificate and purchase code, and after the giveaway, the partner’s copy of the item should be deleted.