Summary: This article outlines the key requirements for creating Video Template Child Packs.
What is a Video Template Child Pack?
What is a Video Template Child Pack?
Video Template bundles are some of the most popular items in the Envato library. Customers like them because they can buy one item and have access to a large library of content which usually matches one or more themes or styles.
For customers seeking just one or two small components, larger bundles can be less useful. With bundles, they’re forced to license the entire bundle just to gain access to the few templates they’re interested in. And on VideoHive, template bundles or libraries are usually priced at a higher premium.
Up until recently, each unique template or animation could only be included in one Video Template item. So if an author created a large bundle of templates, they could not use a subset of those same components to create a second, smaller item. To give authors more flexibility, and improve diversity within our library, we have decided to allow large bundles to be broken down into smaller items as long as those smaller items are grouped and categorized logically around a common theme.
You can think of the larger bundles we see today as parent items, and then the smaller packs of items we’re now accepting as child items.
How to bundle items
Video Template bundles are often packaged together using categorization. Authors will provide one or more graphical styles or visual themes, and then include different types of video elements which are all designed to fit the parent style.
For example:
Parent: Holiday Video Template Bundle |
With this new policy adjustment, the author of this example item could create smaller child packs by pulling out some of the components and grouping them together. This could look like the following two examples.
Example 1 |
Example 2 |
Large Holiday Template bundle broken down into 4 child template items - grouped by the type of video element. | Large Holiday Template bundle broken down into 4 child templates - grouped by design themes. |
Child 1: Holiday Lower Thirds
Child 1: Halloween Video Template Pack
Child 2: Holiday Transitions
Child 2: Thanksgiving Video Template Pack
Child 3: Holiday Overlays
Child 3: Easter Video Template Pack
Child 4: Holiday Title Sequences
Child 4: Christmas Video Template Pack
Policy & Requirements
- Each unique template component from a larger bundle can only be added to one smaller item at this time. So in the example above, if you decided to choose the first of the two options, you could not also submit another series of smaller packs using the second option as well. Limiting each unique template component to two instances at any given time.
- The categorization or grouping of the smaller packs must be compiled in a logical way where the resulting pack makes sense or fits a common theme. The Review team reserves the right to reject submissions whose groupings seem random or do not add value and commercial utility to the library.
- Child packs should have a minimum of 5 elements, and no more than 100 elements. In situations where individual elements are very complex or larger in nature, we will consider accepting child pack submissions with fewer than 5 elements. If you would like to submit a child pack with fewer than 5 elements but don’t want to risk receiving a rejection, you can reach out to us through our Support channels to have a discussion about your submission before you do any work.
- Child packs should not be confused with ‘lite items’. Lite items are generally the same base item, but with a number of elements stripped out making the item smaller. Lite items are not supported at this time.
- Authors are not required to break every single component out of their parent bundle to be made available in child items. Child items can be made up of just a portion of the total items from the parent bundle.
Submission Requirements
- When you submit child packs from one or more of larger parent bundles, you must provide a link to the parent item page in the Notes to Reviewer field.
- Each child item should contain a link back to the parent bundle in the individual item descriptions.
- Similarly, you should edit your parent bundle item description to also include links to the individual child items after they have been added to the library.
- Each child item should contain a link back to the parent bundle in the individual item descriptions.