Summary: This article outlines Android App requirements.
Note: It is strongly recommended that your Android apps follow the Java and Kotlin Coding standards.
- Apps must not have any redundant variables or methods (except if such variables and methods are meant to help adding further features).
- Apps must close all streams used in a finally clause when using the try-catch blocks.
- Apps must not have hardcoded credentials for passwords or usernames.
- If the app handles payment methods, it must have reliable 3rd party libraries.
- Conditionals must evaluate different elements and must not always return true or false.
For example:
if (true)
if( x>0 && x>0)
- The code must cast the variables correctly to perform any arithmetic operation.
- All strings used must be in the strings.xml file.
- Variables must be local whenever possible, avoid using globals.
- The app must have at least android API level 29 according to the new Playstore requirements.
Note: It is a good practice to use a code quality testing tool like sonarqube.