Summary: This article takes you through the envato-led promotions that are run on a regular basis to help get items in front of more customers - and so you get more sales and can extend your customer base! So make sure to review what it’s all about and how to get involved.
Free Files
From time to time we make limited use of free items to encourage people to subscribe to our Envato sites. Items selected for use in free file promotions will be carefully chosen to represent the quality and breadth of our Envato sites. Free promotion pages receive significant marketing support and large traffic volumes which make them a great opportunity to showcase your item.
How does it work?
If your item is selected for use in a free file promotion you will receive a notification email with the details of your item and the promotion it will be used in.
Items will only be used in free promotion for a set period of time with the maximum duration being:
- 31 days for free Items on Envato Elements (during that period your item will be made available for free download by users that create an Envato Elements account);
- Perpetually on other Envato sites (including Mixkit and Envato Tuts+) until you provide us with written notice that you revoke your consent to the Item being used for free file promotion/s
Items downloaded for use on Envato Elements during the free promotion will also be subject to the Envato Elements Free Files Single Use Policy..
Please Note: If you do not wish for your item to be used in the promotion, please opt-out by responding to the notification email. Please be aware that free items do not contribute to, or impact, author payouts.