Summary: This article outlines the key requirements for your After Effects Plugin Files within Video.
Technical Requirements
Documentation Requirements
Technical Requirements
- All the plugin files should be of the .aex file format.
- Plugin files must be compatible with 64bit (CS5+). You can submit 32bit (CS4) compatible plugins along with the 64bit files but it is not mandatory.
- You must provide both Windows and Mac versions.
- Maintain a clean folder structure, both within the zip folder and within the actual project. Zip folder root directory should contain only project folder(s), documentation and sub-folders.
Documentation Requirements
- Documentation must be provided for all project files.
- Documentation must be included in a standard, cross-platform format such as RichTXT, PDF, Video, and HTML.
- If your video help file does not include voice-overs, make sure to include text cues to help the customers understand the process.
- Documentation must include information about how to make the required changes.
Once you have got your Adobe After Effects Plugin ready to sell, please read this article to prepare your project for the upload.