If you have recently migrated to our new Portfolio Manager you might not see all your photos immediately. It might take up to two weeks for your previously submitted items to show. Don't worry, your photos are still live on Envato and earning income.
Summary: This article refers to the new Portfolio Manager tool which is currently being rolled out to all Photo authors. If you haven't been invited to use the Portfolio Manager yet, please refer to the How to Upload Your Items to Envato article.
Before uploading, please familiarize yourself with the Photos Item Preparation & Technical Requirements to ensure your photo submissions are successfully approved.
Quick access
- Things to know before uploading photos
- How to delete photos from Portfolio Manager
Simplified Model or Property Release on the Portfolio Manager
- Item States & troubleshooting
Things to know before uploading photos
Our new Portfolio Manager tool automatically fetches the title, description and tags from the raw metadata for each upload. The Portfolio Manager assigns the title assigned to it in the raw metadata.
- If you leave the title blank, your editing software will often automatically add the default title "Generated Image" or similar to the raw metadata. The Portfolio Manager will then assign the default title from the metadata as the image title.
- So regardless of the file name, the metadata title has prevalence.
To make your processing and upload flow more efficient, make sure to always include the title in the raw metadata of your photo (or edit it when you have finished uploading to the Portfolio Manager).
How to upload photos to Portfolio Manager
Access Portfolio Manager via https://portfolio.author.envato.com/
Select “Upload”
Drag and drop photos to the upload window, or select photos from your device.
Wait for your files to be uploaded. This may take a few minutes depending on how many items you’re uploading.
- Note: you can minimize the upload window by clicking the Minimize button in the top right corner of the upload pop-up window. This allows you to continue using the Portfolio Manager while the upload is in progress. If you close the window, the upload stops.
- There is no limitation on the file size or number of files. However, if you upload 50,000 files or more, your web browser will likely lag or freeze. Therefore, we do not recommend uploading more than 50,000 files at once.
Acknowledge that you have obtained a model and/or property release (see how below)
Once your files are uploaded, we recommend clicking ‘Edit Your Assets’
- This creates a temporary folder where you can view the batch of photos and releases you’ve just uploaded so you can make changes, assign releases and submit them for review.
- This creates a temporary folder where you can view the batch of photos and releases you’ve just uploaded so you can make changes, assign releases and submit them for review.
Alternatively, click 'Done' to view your whole portfolio and use the ‘Item State’ filter on the left hand panel to view your not submitted photos.
Photos in an ‘Incomplete’ state cannot be submitted for review. To check the reason for the incomplete item state, click on the ‘Full View’ of an item and view the error message. The reason could be one of the following;
The photo doesn't have the minimum metadata required (Title, Description and Tags).
The metadata provided contains errors (i.e. unsupported characters, title/description exceeds character limit, too many tags).
There's an error with the uploaded file (i.e. color format is not supported).
To batch edit your metadata, including the title, tags or description of photos, select the items from your portfolio, then on the right hand side panel select ‘batch edit’.
Make your edits, ensuring you ‘save’ your changes after each edit.
If you then wish to submit those items for review, in the ‘Administrative Information’ section select and change the ‘item state’ to ‘submitted for review’.
Then press save at the bottom.
Submit individual Photos for Review
- To submit items to review individually, use the right hand side panel to select ‘overview’ and change the ‘item state’ to ‘submitted for review’, then press save.
- Alternatively, use the right hand side panel to select ‘item states’ and change the item state to 'submitted for review', then press save.
Submit a batch of Photos for review
- To submit multiple items to review, select them from your portfolio, then on the side panel select ‘item states’ and change the item state to 'submitted for review'.
- To select multiple items and batch edit the title, tags or description, select the items from your portfolio, then on the side panel select ‘batch edit’. Make your edits, ensuring you ‘save’ your changes after each edit, find ‘Administrative Information’ and change the ‘item state’ to ‘submitted for review’. Then press save at the bottom.
Once photos are submitted they will enter the review queue, which could take a few days for a review decision.
- Within your portfolio, you can filter your submissions to view photos that are Not Submitted, Approved, Rejected and Eligible for resubmission.
- Items that are eligible for resubmission have feedback from the review team. If you wish you can make changes to the item and resubmit it again for review.
- Items that are eligible for resubmission have feedback from the review team. If you wish you can make changes to the item and resubmit it again for review.
- Within your portfolio, you can filter your submissions to view photos that are Not Submitted, Approved, Rejected and Eligible for resubmission.
At this time, you won't receive an email with the review decision.
- Instead, you can view the status of your items via Portfolio Manager. From the Portfolio Manager homepage you can navigate directly to your not submitted, rejected, or approved photos.
- Instead, you can view the status of your items via Portfolio Manager. From the Portfolio Manager homepage you can navigate directly to your not submitted, rejected, or approved photos.
- Photos that are approved will be available on Envato Elements and Envato Market (Photodune) once you have completed an Author ID Check and submitted a Tax Form. Instructions on how to complete these steps were emailed to you in your Elements approval email.
For more information about what's changed in the Portfolio Manager, please refer to this Author Hub article.
How to delete photos from Portfolio Manager
Hint: You're only able to delete photos that have not been reviewed/approved. If your photo has been reviewed and published, please send us a message for help with disabling the item.
Access Portfolio Manager via https://portfolio.author.envato.com/.
Select “Author Portfolio (All)” or "Not submitted".
Select one, or multiple items via the checkbox.
Select "Actions" in the Overview panel on the right.
- Select "Delete" and confirm.
Simplified Model or Property Release on the Portfolio Manager
Hint: We've made it easier for you to upload Photos to the Portfolio Manager. You're no longer required to upload Model or Property Release Forms. Instead, we ask you to acknowledge that you have obtained the required documentation. You will still be required to provide a release form when requested to do so by Envato, so you should keep a record of all your release forms.
You can let us know that you have obtained a release form by selecting an individual photo or as a batch.
By selecting a photo, the 'Overview' side panel will show a 'Release Form' check-box. By selecting this box, you acknowledge that you have obtained the required release forms.
You can also find the check-box within the 'Overview' view of the photo.
When you have selected the check-box, the following messages will be displayed on the 'Overview' side panel and 'Overview' full view.
You can also batch edit photos to acknowledge that you have obtained a release form. From your portfolio, select all the photos that you have obtained a release form for. Then navigate to the side panel and select the check-box 'I have Release Form(s)', then select 'Apply'.
Item States & troubleshooting
Uploaded photos will appear as 'Incomplete'. To submit the uploaded photos you'll have to add metadata, titles, and further information.
The next step is changing the item state of your item. You can do so one-by-one or in a batch. Our suggestion is to add all the necessary information to your uploads, then change to item state of all your items as a batch. There is a step-by-step guide in this article above.
Here's a summary of possible item states and their meanings:
- Item is missing information, such as title, description, tags and or release form info. This information is required:
- Title
- Description
- Author Tags (<50)
- RGB colour format
- JPG or JPEG file format
- 4 - 80 Megapixels
- Item is missing information, such as title, description, tags and or release form info. This information is required:
Not submitted
- Item has all required information but is not submitted for review. Use this state if you're not ready to submit yet.
Submitted for review
- Use this item state to submit to our review team. Check Portfolio Manager for updates, as we no longer send email notifications.
- Item has been approved.
- Some aspects of your item need updating. Portfolio Manager will display feedback from the review team. Items may be eligible for re-submission.
There are a few things to remember about item states:
- You can't 'skip' item states. For example, an 'Incomplete' item cannot be moved to 'Submitted for review', without selecting 'Not submitted' first.
- If an item has been rejected, it may be eligible for resubmission. Check if the 'Eligible for Resubmission' box is checked.